
52,500 SolaX Installations Support Belgium Social Housing Go Solar

In October 2022, the largest solar project for social housing in Flanders, Belgium, undertaken by SolaX Power, was officially launched in the Het Verzonken Kasteel region, firing the starting shot for the ASTER project. Matthias Diependaele, the Flemish Minister of Housing, officially connected the very first installation of SolaX inverter in the ASTER project. In the following five years, SolaX will provide inverters for 52,500 social housing units.

ASTER stands for "Access to Sustainability Through Energy Effective Retrofit", an initiative of the Association of Flemish Social Housing Companies (VVH), and her member social housing companies. The project plans to install solar panels on a third of the social housing in Flanders over the next few years, counting a total of nearly 150 MWp. "With ASTER, we are taking a serious step towards the Flemish climate objectives, and the installation of solar panels will have an immediate positive effect on the energy bills of social tenants." said Diependaele.

After more than one year’s efforts, SolaX Power has successfully settled itself as the inverter supplier for the ASTER project in the Het Verzonken Kasteel region and will provide on-grid solutions X1-Mini and X1-Boost for 52,500 social housing units. In addition, the newest generation of these two products will be installed as soon as they are available so that the tenants would enjoy the convenience of solar power as well as the high efficiency of SolaX products.

With the help of installer Energy Vision, social housing in Flanders will be equipped with solar panels in succession. And thanks to the powerful products of SolaX, social tenants will benefit significantly from a reduction in their energy bills, for paying a tariff that is about 25% lower than the social tariff.

Using solar energy in social housing not only lowers energy bills for tenants but also benefits the climate to create a sustainable future. The ASTER project is predicted to reduce 35,000 tons of CO2, which is equivalent to a forest size of 10,000 soccer fields. This is also consistent with the core mission of SolaX – “Powering a Green Future.”

The ASTER project has also received positive feedback from locals. With the installation of solar panels and SolaX products, these social housing tenants will surely experience the improvement in their life quality while enjoying government welfare.

Making clean energy available and affordable to every social tenant is part of the ASTER project's vision. It is also an honor for SolaX to contribute to this largest solar project for social housing in Flanders, Belgium. This not only reflects the trust and recognition of our customers but also marks another milestone in the development of SolaX utility business sector. For decades, SolaX has been committed to offering customers with various photovoltaic solutions to drive the world's carbon neutrality goal and create a clean, sustainable future.

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