
SolaX Power Showcased at COP26

The UK hosted the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit brings parties together (around 30,000 delegates from governments, institutions and technology companies) to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

What does COP26 mean?

COP stands for Conference of the Parties. The 2021 Glasgow meeting will be the 26th meeting, which is why it’s called COP26. The negotiation for global climate change usually takes for two weeks. The first week will be technical conference while the second week is for prime ministerial and heads of state meetings.

A very important thing discussed in COP26 is regarding the updates of emission reduction contributions and the demonstration of each country’s ambitions when facing the climate change.

According to Climate Watch on October 2021, 148 parties have submitted new or updated NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) under the Paris Agreement, of which 85 parties’ goal is clearer and more rigorous than before. At present, 33 parties have submitted LTS (Long-Term Climate Strategies), and all 15 LTS submitted after 2020 include carbon neutrality targets. In addition, 58 parties have officially established carbon neutrality targets in the form of legislation, regulations and political commitments, whose emissions account for 60.7% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions.

SolaX Power is pleased to be invited by SEUK (Solar Energy UK) to participate in COP26 as one of the five most influential PV companies in the UK. (The other four companies are Centrica, Huawei, Next Energy Capital Group, Voltalia)

SolaX Power case study and products are presented in a news-style program SOLAR ENERGY: ROUTE TO NET ZERO that jointly produced by ITN Productions and SEUK. The purpose of the program is to highlight some of the vital work taking place to contribute to the net zero emission, which is being showcased at COP26 and Solar & Storage Live, and also be broadcast in future SEUK events and British PV expos.

Earth needs citizens’ help. All human will face irreversible changes in the climate and the earth if citizens do not change the current energy habits by 2032. So from now on, seeking smarter ways to transform energy to photovoltaic power generation is very necessary.

The essence of photovoltaic power generation is solar power, which means clean energy and an endless resource. Plants on the earth absorb nearly 3 trillion kWh solar energy per day, which is almost 20 times humans’ consumption.

From now on, let photovoltaic power generation come to households!

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